Maya (Illusion)?


The Vedantist says, “I am He.” Brahman is real and the world illusory. Even the “I” is illusory. – …………………………..
All that we see or seem
is but a dream within a dream.
Edgar Allen Poe
Reality is merely an illusion, although a very persistent one. –
Albert Einstein
it may not be possible to be
in two places at once or even
(given cosmic motion)

to have been in the same place twice,
ime may be eternal as a mandala,
but for us space and time
are beginnings and ends,
now and then
if I-am is an illusion so must
I-will-not-be, and, if I-will-not-be
is real so must be I-am, then
philosophies of illusion be damned
and the same for love and death

if illusion’s perfect enough
to seem a universe laid bare,

be real or not, the rest
is splitting hairs
by Jim Culleny

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