Be Alert Among Words

be alert among words, they’re shifty illusions
like 2-d boxes of joined walls on a page,
straightforward and innocent as tots
but which flip inside-out in a blink,
spontaneously, as you listen.

Though once closed cells with steel wills
they may transform in instants, shape-shift,
morph like a high-speed chrysalis,
while you, gaslit, feel insane

(Be careful among words warned
Lao Tzu)

or have you been not in,
but out-of-sane all along,
distant from it, disconnected,
as removed from the Big Bang
as the Milky Way,
as far from sane as out
can be from in,
but now by fate’s twist,
after a long life, despite
digging-in your heels,
now by fate’s mercy,
not out-of sane at all,
but finally, in, yes, into sane —all in
without the lonesome lunacy of otherness
you once knew as Me.

Jim Culleny