The Frequency of Error

… the “Law of Frequency of Error” … would have been personified
by the Greeks and deified, if t­hey had known of it. It reigns … amidst
the wildest confusion. The huger the mob, the greater the anarchy,
the more perfect is its sway. It is the supreme law of Unreason.

Victorian statistician ­Francis Galton

The frequency of error
is not a count of radio waves
or of an articulation of sound
expanding from me to you
through ample atmosphere

The frequency of error
is the number of times,
in the fog of Me,
I’ve stumbled into doors
and bashed my head
on low-hanging branches
of the tree-of-knowledge-
yet against all odds
have lived to tell the tale

The frequency of error
is not a dulcet wave,
but a mob of mad particles
that routs the better angels of my nature
hammering them with crude clubs
made by my own hand
in fits of id

by Jim Culleny; August 19, 2009

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