Cheap Suits of Expendables

“When suits enter the woods the animals flee. . . “

a phalanx of well-suited tobacco execs,
right hands raised before congress,
reciting oaths, silk hankies
making statements of support
from well-bred breast pockets,
accoutrements of silk ties neck-to-belly
like battle-ribbons of knighthood,
men in shoes of the well-heeled,
lapels of each circling necks
like barbarian adornments of shark’s teeth
or the truth of a noose  —all in a row
erect as princes lying through capped teeth
white as the vestal gowns of virgins,
swearing they’d never known their product
had been, and still was, decimating
the lives of millions who would be buried
in the cheap suits of the expendables

Jim, 4/6/22