A Meating of Mind

if my brain does not tell my arm what to do
nothing much will come. If I am
without a brain, my arm’s not much smarter
than a leg of lamb

…… meat without mind will never get much done
…… while mind without meat
…… would not have much point in space/time

…… on the other hand— when they mate,
…… when mind and meat meet,

…… when they kiss and touch, things fecund soon become
…… and run the gamut from dumb-and-dumber
…… on up to the sublime: 
…… demagog dujour to Albert Einstein

…… this is how it is with sentient things:
…… mind needs meat to do its work and meat needs mind
…… to have an incentive to do anything

…… but mind-meets-meat is a crap shoot,
…… sometimes it’s a match made in heaven
…… sometimes it’s a down-spiraling
…… hell-bent, cork-screw root

…… Jim Culleny
…… August 2008



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