My Religious Life

.The Tao that can be thought of is not the real Tao;
therefore the Tao that can be spoken is not real either;
so, the Tao that can be named is likewise no thing too.
………………………………………………. —Lao Tzu, sort of

I was Catholic,
but was not universal enough
when I was.

I was Protestant,
but did not protest enough
when I was.

I was a Transcendental Meditationist,
but was not transcendent enough
when I was.

I was a dilettante Buddhist,
but (unlike the lotus) I failed to bud
when I was.

Now as a Taoist
in an inscrutable plan
I’m most content, because
it’s nothing I can really talk about
if I am.

Jim Culleny; 2007



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