Song: Strawberry Moon

The Algonquin tribes knew this moon as the
time to gather ripening strawberries
……………………………..–Old Farmer’s Almanac

I read you, Strawberry Moon
you pull the sea in the summer
More than two hundred thousand miles
I see your reach is so long
Your arm of gravity, your face of sunlight
at midnight, they hold me too

But in the moon when the deer shed their horns
and the top of the world has turned a little away from the sun
the colder night who has an edge on his voice
who cares so little for growing things
will make it seem like you’ll break
unless you remember the heat
of the Strawberry Moon

I’m with you, Strawberry Moon
I’m dark here down in your shadows
which move their edges like steel
when you’re full and spilling silver on me
Your arm of gravity, your face of sunlight at midnight
they hold me too

by Jim Culleny,

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