Virgin Birth

…. In Hebrew the word was young woman
…. which became a virgin in the Greek
So, with a literal slip of the tongue
God did not use the natural means
in his nine-month creative sweat
to bring his son into the world,
but relied instead upon an old-hat,
head-wrenching anti-scientific ploy
used as well for Horus, Krishna,
Perseus, and that wing-footed
Roman god, Mercury,
all requiring miracles for birth,
thereby leveraging inquisitions,
the need for mental loops and dodges,
a plague of tortures and Christian fatwas,
a tightening of a bible belt
around the neck of a nation,
and, therefore, limit God’s great gift of reason
to only those who would simply like to
get along together in this world.
Wouldn’t it be more loving
…. if the Lord of Hosts would just
…. implore his minions to think first,
…. ditch their myths, and
…. hold their tongues?

Jim Culleny; September 2007



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